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The Law Offices of Jeff P. Cynamon, P.A. has represented hundreds of property owners, businesses, tenants in eminent domain cases. The cases are too numerous to list here. Additional references and cases are gladly provided upon request. Please ask us how the Law Offices of Jeff P. Cynamon, P.A. may be able to help you and protect your rights due to the taking of your property.
Pompano Beach Community Redevelopment Agency v. Jesus House of Faith:
The Jesus House of Faith is a church that set up tables in Downtown Fort Lauderdale to feed the homeless, collected clothes for the homeless and run-away teenagers, provides safe shelter for run-away teenagers, collected toys for toys for tots, coordinated local gospels and provided many additional community services. The Pompano Beach Community Redevelopment Agency filed an eminent domain suit against the Jesus House of Faith to take its land and building. The pastor of the Jesus House of Faith, Pastor Bernice Washington, was not satisfied with the first two attorneys that the Church hired to represent it in the eminent domain case. Pastor Washington went to the Director of the Pompano Beach CRA seeking help. The Director of the Pompano Beach CRA told Pastor Washington that it needs Jeff Cynamon's help. From his office, the Director of the Pompano Beach Community Redevelopment Agency telephoned the Law Offices of Jeff P. Cynamon, P.A., said that he has someone that need help in an eminent domain case and handed the phone to Pastor Washington. The Law Offices of Jeff P. Cynamon, P.A. asserted that the Jesus House of Faith's building was being used for unique purposes and applied a cost approach in determining its fair market value. During the week long trial, the Law Offices of Jeff P. Cynamon, P.A. utilized the services of a civil engineer, land planner, architect, general contractor, fixture appraiser and real estate appraiser to through expert testimony to calculate all costs to build the Jesus House of Faith's building. The jury returned a verdict in favor of the Jesus House of Faith of an amount that was more than three times the amount initially offered by the Pompano Beach Community Redevelopment Agency.
South Florida Water Management District v. Norman Superstein, Trustee:
In 2007, both the Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel Newspaper and www.Greenwire.com, the nations leading publication on environmental and land use issues, published that Law Offices of Jeff P. Cynamon, P.A.'s client received the most the South Florida Water Management District has ever paid anyone for vacant land. The case was South Florida Water Management District v. Norman Superstein, Trustee, whereby the SFWMD took 44 acres in west Broward County, Florida. The South Florida Water Management District valued the property at $4.8 million dollars asserting that the property could be use for water retention. Utilizing the services of a land planner to resolve land use issues and a professional civil engineer to resolve soil and muck issues and water drainage and retention issues, the Law Offices of Jeff P. Cynamon, P.A. substantiated that the property could be used for the development of multi-million dollars houses. Utilizing the services of a marketing expert, the Law Offices of Jeff P. Cynamon, P.A. substantiated that there is a market for developing the property for multi-million dollar houses. Utilizing the services of a State of Florida Certified Appraiser, the Law Offices of Jeff P. Cynamon, P.A. established that the highest and best use of the property should be valued for its development for multi-million dollar houses. Just prior to trial, the South Florida Water Management District agreed to pay $11.6 million dollars for the taking the property.
City of Pompano Beach v. Daisy McCrone:
Daisy McCrone was elderly, barely able to walk and lived in a little, old house on a dirt road. The house had a dirt driveway, no screens on the windows and everything in the house was old. In her house also lived her daughter and her daughter's young boys. Outside, next to the dirt road was a wood pole sticking out of the ground with a plastic fruit crate from a supermarket attached near the top of the pole. The bottom of the plastic crate had been cut out and Ms. McCrone's young grandsons were using this as a basketball net. There were only four houses on the dirt road and Ms. McCrone's house was at the dead end. The City of Pompano Beach filed an eminent domain action against Ms. McCrone to take a strip of property from her front yard for the widening and paving of the dirt road. The Law Offices of Jeff P. Cynamon, P.A. was able to get Ms. McCrone paid full compensation for the taking of her property. In addition, the Law Offices of Jeff P. Cynamon, P.A. was able to get the City to agree that when its workmen are there to pave the road that they would also pave Ms. McCrone's driveway and connect it with the new road. Most important, the Florida Constitution provides that a property owner is to receive full compensation for the taking of their property. The City had to knock down the wood pole, Ms. McCrone's grandsons' basketball net, for the widening and paving of the road. The Law Offices of Jeff P. Cynamon, P.A. was able to get the City to agree that after the road is paved that the City would install a new metal pole with a new basketball net on it. The Stipulated Final Judgment was entered in August, 2001. Jeff Cynamon, Esquire, recently was in that area and stopped in to see how Ms. McCrone was doing. Unfortunately, Daisy McCrone had past away, but, her daughter is still living there. Her daughter said that her boys still use the basketball net that the City installed a lot for playing basketball.
Pompano Beach Community Redevelopment Agency v. John Funkey, et al.:
The Law Offices of Jeff P. Cynamon, P.A.'s client was Ruth Shorter. Pompano Beach CRA had filed an eminent domain action to take Ruth Shorter's home. Ms. Shorter was running a foster home for children who were orphaned or whose parents had their parental rights taken away. When Jeff Cynamon, Esquire, first met with Ms. Shorter at her home, the house was filled with little boys between the age of two and five years old, that followed him around the house. All of the boys were extremely well cared for and dressed nicely. The house was neat and clean. The bedrooms had bunk beds for the foster children. Ms. Shorter's house was located about a block from the Jesus House of Faith where they attended services. Behind her house was a County park where the foster children would play. The Law Offices of Jeff P. Cynamon, P.A. was able to get Ruth Shorter paid full compensation from Pompano Beach CRA quickly so that Ms. Shorter was able find new, sanitary, sutable housing in a good location and continue caring of her foster children.
The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, please ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. Each case is different and those provided may not be representative of results obtained by the lawyer. |
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